A forgetful bride

In 2016, the couple lost their son Kappel in a motorcycle accident. They seemed to be recovering well from their loss with God’s help when Tish was diagnosed with an incurable disease.

“Our marriage seemed to be surviving the stress of losing a child, as we found comfort from God, each other, and those friends and family who surrounded us with love. But, in the midst of all that comfort, we were also trying to navigate Tish’s diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, and what it might mean for our future,” Curt wrote.

In May 2018, as they were wandering the western coast of Ireland for a vacation, Tish forgot who he was.

“On the second week of the trip, while we were driving up the stunning west coast of Ireland, Tish looked at me and said, “I’m not really sure who you are.” I pulled over and looked in her eyes. She was not joking. She did not remember that I was her husband. And that was the beginning of my new normal,” he added.

Curt and Tish’s situation took a great turn when a university student prayed for Curt during one of their last days in Ireland.

“A young Irish woman prayed. She prayed simply. She prayed quietly, “Lord Jesus, you know what it’s like to have a forgetful bride.” And that was it. I laughed through my tears. This young Irish student probably had no idea how prophetically she had prayed,” Curt reminisced.

“I was reminded, powerfully, in a flash, that Jesus knew, of course, better than me, what to do with a forgetful bride: Love her. I was reminded that I, with all my doubts and wondering and impatience, was His forgetful bride. And He…He simply loved me. He simply loves me,” he added.

Tish is getting steadily worse but as Curt wrote “God only knows what life with my forgetful bride will look like in the coming days. But, I know that as His forgetful bride, Jesus will keep on loving me. I will pray to do the same to all those dear to me, especially my bride.”

A Pastor, from a supporting church, read this story just before we shared communion together. He asked us if we were a forgetful bride. A question for all of us to reflect on. Do we still wait with anticipation of his return? Do we neglect spending time with our groom through the reading of His word? Do we ponder at the loving acts that he pours out on us daily? Lets not be a forgetful bride.

Reflection on this past year…

We are so thankful for all the opportunities we have had over this past year. We have traveled thousands of miles; from East to West and North to South; including travels to Mexico and Canada. Our cultural event called ‘Into the Buddhist Mind’ was attended by over 2000 participants from various Churches, Training Centers, Colleges and Universities. We are so thankful for open hearts and doors as we share about the needs and challenges of cross-cultural ministry.

We finished our long distance travels at the beginning of November. Our bodies were tired. It has allowed us to rest up and be home for the holidays. We are so thankful for each individual who has come long side us. Some of you have physically helped in our mobilization efforts while others have given and prayed. It has taken a team!

Looking ahead to 2020!

After spending time with the kids over the New Year, we will make our way to sunny Florida for some meetings. We will also use this time to be with Dave’s parents, sister and brother-in-law. We hope to enjoy a day at Mecum Auto auction to see some beautiful classic cars. From there our travels will bring us to:

*OneLife. Three Springs, Liberty PA. This is an intense week of teaching and personal interaction.

*Mission Training Center. MO. Teaching a two week course on “Faith VS Religion”, “Understanding our Adversary” and “Buddhism”. I love these hours with our students.

*Missions Conference in West Virginia. Seven plus hours of speaking.

*OneLife. Stroudsburg and Harrisburg PA Campuses. Intense two week time of teaching and personal interaction.

*“Into the Buddhist Mind” Pittsburg, PA.

*Perspectives. Kansas City. Lesson 11 taught five evenings.

*Parents Weekend. April 2-3. Time when we will host, encourage and equip the parents and families of our graduates as they prepare to send their kids overseas. We launched this last year and saw God use this in a mighty way. For many this is a difficult time of transition as they begin to experience the reality of the upcoming loss of their kids and grandkids. We will have just experienced this (two weeks prior) with Preston & Stephanie and their four kids. For many this is a time to grieve and build a support network with other parents.

Could you please pray for the spiritual, emotional and physical stamina and resources needed to do these things well. This represents over 100 hours of teaching, hours of social interaction and many miles spent in the car. In the recent months, there have been times we have felt tired and the need to be refreshed. We love what we do and wouldn’t want it different.

Update on the family…

Tyler and Meezie continue working, raising their little family and working with the youth of their church. They are prayerfully considering what future ministry God wants them involved in.

Preston and Steph and their 4 children are leaving for Asia Pacific around the middle of March. This brings back the memories of when Dave and I left for Thailand 25 years ago. So much NEW is awaiting them. Please remember all of us during these days. Our joy mixed with loss.

Tony and Tori are expecting number 2 in May. We look forward to meeting this new little Percy! They are faithful in their jobs and involvement in the ministries of their church. They are working along with their church leadership and taking steps towards serving the Lord full time.

Nathalie continues to serve as a manager at a local resort. She often treats her parents to a special meal and keeps her moms hair looking good. We love having her in the area.

Laura Percy